Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Indiana Beach

Elijah and Caden read all the book requirments this year during school and not only got Book Its for pizza hut each month, but they also got Indiana Beach tickets for themselves and 3 guests so we had a FREE day at Indiana Beach.
I don't do rides very well....I get so sick, but thankfully nick can handle amusement park rides well. Thus he gets the honor of going on all the rides with the boys. Here they are on the scrambler....PUKE!!!

Liam even enjoyed the rides. Last year he didn't ride to many of them, but this year he was all over them...wanting on every ride and sad when they stopped.

Caden getting in on the action....I think at one point even Elijah was riding the kiddie rides.

Ok, so I ended up going on THREE rides. One was the large farris wheel...and guess what....I felt sick to my stomach afterwards. I think I will just plan on keeping my feet on the ground.

I was planning on going on the chair ride that takes you across the park, but I wasn't allowed to have my purse with me, so I didn't go. I sat and waited for the boys. It was probably best cause I bet I would have gotten sick on that too:).


Joy said...

PUKE is right on the scrambler!! Looks like the boys had fun! I can't wait to take Jayla on kiddie rides!!

Tricia said...

I'm not much for rides that spin around, and like you, I'd probably get sick on the ferris wheel too! Now I do like roller coasters that drop, at least I think I do. As I get older, I'm sure my tastes are changing.

Mindy said...

What a fun reward! Looks like a great day!