Pathetic I know, but I just realized I do not have any pictures of our Harold Gutwein Christmas which was on Friday night. I think I might have to find my dear aunt joan and see what she has of it. Wow...I am so disappointed!!
Gutwein Christmas was on the Saturday before christmas. Here is our dinner table. We always start our meal off with French Onion soup. Delish! Joy, Tricia and I got creative and made place card settings. They turned out pretty darn cute and we decided to save them and use them for years to come:).
This is the kids table out in the kitchen. Not nearly as decorated, but Im sure you know why? :).
Present time and stocking all lined up to take turns opening their stockings. Not sure there is any room left for the future grandkids though cause this room was PACKED!!! Guess we will have to have two rows pretty soon. I think Jayla kind of started the second row this year:).
Then on Christmas day(sunday) we had our christmas. It was fun to celebrate Christ's birth on the actual day with my dear family. Here are my sweet boys at dinner. I think this is one of my favorite pictures of them. Liam actually looks like he loves his brothers:). BTW, the kids had sparkling grape worries!!
Stocking time! I wrap each stuffer and I think that makes it a bit more fun for the kids. More to unwrap!
Elijah and Caden enjoying their fondue (our family tradition we started several years ago).
Liam enjoyed his fondue as well, except most of the time you found his stick on the table and him drinking his fondue!! Gotta love that chocolate!!
Waibel Christmas was on Monday night. Family picture in front of the tree. A yearly thing we do:)