Friday, October 9, 2009

I'd say

Last night I was going to put Liam to bed, but he just didn't seem tired yet. Instead I layed him on the floor and layed down infront of him to just watch him play. He was such a happy boy for about 20 minutes which is great considering he has been so fussy anytime you put him down. (found out at his appt. on tuesday that he has a major ear infection in one ear and lots of fluid in the other...poor boy). Sure does explain why for the past 3 weeks he has been crying so much. Opps....I know...bad mom!!

I'd say....he has started to crawl just a bit!!!(or at least he is very close)


Joy said...

What a cute crawl!Up and down, up and down. hope his ear gets better soon and it quiets down for you. love ya

Anonymous said...

I love it, I love it, I love it. I can't wait to see him Sunday!

Grandma W.

Mindy said...

Way to go Liam!

Glad my watches can be used for something! :)