Monday, September 30, 2013


I have some super sweet neighbors down the road from us.  They have several dozen apple tree's. This year I asked her if I could come pick some apples if they weren't going to use them all and she gladly let me come.  I picked 3- 5 gallon buckets worth of apples and my dear mother came over and helped me make applesauce for the first time ever.  Ive always wanted to do it and now that I know how and I have access to apples hopefully, I'll probably be doing this yearly.  Thanks to Lacie and Tyler for the "FREE" apples.  They wouldn't let me pay!!
Liam helping by putting dirty apples in water for me to wash.
 And the cutting process starts.  Lots of cutting, cooking, grinding and bagging.  If I remember correctly we were completely done in 3 hours.
 Liam tried his hand at the crank!!  Thanks to Stephanie for letting me borrow your applesauce maker (sieve).

 23 quarts of applesauce complete.  Thanks mom for your help. 


emilykate said...

Wow, looks great!

Joy said...

Somehow I missed this post. Looks yummy! That's a lot of free applesauce!