Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Camping 2012

Labor Day Camping this year was fun and wet!  With the drought this year we kept our boat home.  The lake was 3.5 feet lower than normal which isn't bad, but we also knew it was calling for lots of rain.  And the weather men were right!  The kids wanted to go to the beach, even though the sun was not out, and the water was cold.  They played hard and had fun, and even went back the  next day.
 The rains came, the floods came, and the kids got on their swim gear:).  Here is liam catching rain water off the awening. 
 Thankfully lemans brought the "smoke tent" so we could keep the fires burning while it poured!!
 So this is where the fire was until the floods came.  Then we found some dry land and rebuilt our fire elsewhere.  The kids thought this mud pit looked fun.......
 The kids took turns riding their bikes through this puddle over and over and over again.

 ......and so these kids (mud buddies) dove right into this mud pit and came out with some healthy skin (don't they say mud is great for the skin???)
 Our new dry fire area with some grass around it:).  Was a bit muggy out after the rain so we sat far away from the fire:).
 The kids, minus Ellie, that sure had a fun time.  Even though at times it was a headache and a half for us parents trying to keep mud out of the campers and getting meals ready with rain pouring down.....these kids made some amazing memories they probably won't forget.  Such good friends they all are too which makes camping that much more fun.
And now for the video of the mud buddies!!!
Till next time:).....


Joan said...

Fun memories!!

Erica Gutwein said...

Such a great weekend....You had some good pictures! Definitely some fun memories:-)

Janice said...

Looks like you had a great time.even if it rained

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you were able to have a good time in spite of the rain. I thought of you guys several times over the weekend as the rains fell.