Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Francesville Fall Festival Parade

Elijah and Caden absolutely loved being in the Francesville Fall Festival Parade this past weekend. Danielle Wuethrich and Kathy Wuethrich have an adorable Cafe up town called Five Loaves and they put a float in the parade. The float was so cute and it even won a trophy for being so well done. Here are the boys dressed in their attire of "little men" drinking their "coffee"(pepsi) and eating on some cookies.
Trying to ring a soda pop...Caden got himself two and Elijah after many many NONE!! Poor boy.

The boys also got their FIRST taste of an Elephant Ear. When we told Elijah we would get an Elephant Ear his response was "ewww, that is just gross". He then had one and after he was all done said " Is that really an elephants ear"?? Oh boy!!
I'd say Elijah was sure enjoying it even before he knew that it really wasn't elephants ear:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That parade float was adorable. Of course my two grandsons looked so cute on it! And Elijah, I'm glad they aren't real "elephant" ears too. Love you guys! Love G & G W.