Monday, August 24, 2009

First Overnight Visitor

this is a complete mess of a post. I can not get it to do what I want it to do, so it is completely out of order and the pictures won't make sense until you read the story at the bottom of this post. So skip down to the writting and then scroll back up to see the pictures:). Sorry guys.

Deb with all her supplies and saddled up ready to hit the road again this morning.

We had a wonderful fun filled weekend with our "friends weekend" couples. I of course took my camera, but didn't even get it out!! So I only have a group photo to share. We had lots of fun laughing, playing games, talking and eating. Can it get any better than that? Thanks to our hosts this year Scott and Kate.
When we arrived home we unpacked our belongings and headed over to pick up a few other items at my parents house that we needed to unpack. When we got back home and began unloading our truck, a lady on a horse who was also pulling a horse yelled to us from the street. She asked about the pasture beside us and wondered if she could put her horses in the pasture for the night?! She began to explain that she is horseback riding across the country!!! Can you imagine?? We told her she was more than welcome to put her horses there and then come in and shower, eat and rest up for her journey in the morning. I did a load of clothes for her as well so she had clean clothes. She(Deb) began this journey last summer and started at the tip of Maine...rode too Ohio and had to stop due to weather and horse issues. She than began again this past July and has since rode from Ohio and is working her way and hoping to finish Iowa before the winter months set in. She gets 3 miles per hour on a horse!!! What a trip!! Deb hopes to finish next year and end at the tip of Washington. May God bless this journey she is taking and we hope she can accomplish this wild dream that she has had her whole life.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A First New First

Well, yesterday was the First day of school in a New school entering 2nd grade for the First time!! And boy was he excited. He ordered donuts for breakfast and then happily marched onto the bus. I asked him if he was scared at all and he said "no mom". I said "are you sure? What about riding the bus"? Of course I figured I'd have been scared to go on a new bus and a new school, but boys are just different and things like that don't seem to bother them which I am so thankful for. So now I sit here in peace and quiet as Caden is still in bed and so is Liam....oh the peacefulness that surrounds me:)

Elijah posing for a couple pictures before getting on the bus.

Elijah walking onto the bus on his first day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Life as we know it....for now!!

I know this is a bit behind as our life has been super busy and somewhat turned upside down. I think these pictures can tell you a story in itself so Im not going to explain:)
Me and the boys are currently living in my parents house and nick is living in lafayette for the week. We officially have our house, but the previous owners are not moved out yet, so we will wait until Friday to actually "move" in. I can hardly wait:)