Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well, some of you are probably anxious to see a picture of our newest addition and some of you may not have heard yet, but our little bundle arrived early. He and Mom are doing well and we just arrived home today. Introducing.......

Liam Nicholas Waibel
March 20th, 2009
Weight: 7 lbs 15 oz.
Height: 20 inches
Time: 2:52pm
P.S. We have a winner.....I guess my mother knows me best, because she guessed the closest date which she said he would be born March 26th (that's my brother A.J's birthday). Her guess on weight was 7 lbs 12 close!!! Congrats mom....I'll give you your gift card when I see you tomorrow:)


Brooke said...

Congrats! He is too cute. I was just thinking about you yesterday and said a prayer- I was close! Hope it all went well. :)

L, Ann and boys said...

oh, my...that is such a darling picture. =o) So sweet and he looks so perfect. =o) Congratulations. I love the name too.


Wendy said...

Congrats! He is darling!! I wish I could come see you all!! Love to you and the boys!

Amber said...

I love how wide-eyed he is - so sweet!

Glad you're all doing well - now you can join us late night partiers! : )

Mindy said...

Congratulations! So thankful everything went well! He is such a cutie and looks just like Elijah! Love you guys!

Alesa said...

Congrats you guys! What a great picture of Liam :)

Sara Huber said...

Hi Sandra...congratulations! He is so sweet and I love his name too. He looks like your other boys, and yet not exactly. Can't believe he was born so early...good for you! :)

Jessica said...

Oh wow you guys! He is just PRECIOUS! I am thrilled for you and your little family of boys ;) It is making me even that much more excited for boy #3!
So thankful all is going well. I just prayed for you that your next several weeks would be a smooth transition for everyone.

Erin said...

Beautiful baby boy!!! Congrats guys! Enjoy that tiny sweetness - it goes so fast!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! He is so cute!! Welcome to having three little boys!! ;) Jodi

Erica Gutwein said...

Congratulations!!! He is SO cute! Hope everything is going well!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandra,

Congratulations...he's really precious, and I love his name too.

I can't believe that we are moving in few weeks and you and I never did manage the meet half way between TN and SC thing...but hopefully when you move we'll see more of you anyway!!


mom :) said...

Congratulations on your new darling little son! Boys are GREAT!! Thankful all went well!
love you guys!
karel :)

Anonymous said...

what a blessing! we're excited for your family. :) love, joanna

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! He is adorable!

Linda said...

Congratulations! We missed you in Atlanta, but I'm glad you stayed home! He is a cutie and we're thankful that all went well. Enjoy the time with your mom and these special days with your new little son. Love to you all- Steve and Linda

S & L Gutwein said...

Congratulations!! What a sweet picture. -liv

Miranda said...

Look at those sweet cheeks! I just wanna kiss them! What a little sweetie.

emilykate said...

He's precious! Congrats!