Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Can it be???

Can it really be.....the school year coming to an end already?? I feel like just yesterday I put Elijah into Kindergarten for the first day of school and now in two weeks he will be walking out of Kindgergarten for the last time. My little Elijah is growing up so fast and has learned so much in the last year. He now picks up books and proceeds to read them!! The other day he was reading a Dr. Suess book...I was pleasently surprised.
As I look at our summer calendar I notice that there is hardly a weekend open. Lots of friends and family coming to visit this summer which I am so thankful for. It should be an exciting summer and a speedy summer at that with so much planned. And before long I am going to be taking pictures of Elijah's first day of 1st grade!!! WOW!!!
I'll post a picture of Elijah in a couple weeks of him at his Kindergarten graduation :)
Have a blessed day everyone!!


Mindy said...

We're excited to be one of you visitors! Can you believe only about 4 more weeks until you are graced with our presence!??!?! :) My mouth is alreay watering for Brusters! Yummy!

Sandra said...

We are excited to have you as one of our visitors!!! It works so perfect that you have a wedding to attend in GA and can come here right afterwards. We were invited to that wedding also actually, but will not be going. We don't know either of them really. I think we were just invited do to attending Atlanta church. Plus we will be traveling to Atlanta two weekends later.

Laura said...

Sandra, I agree that the year has gone sooo fast! Yeah for summer!!!

Kristy said...

Hey, Sandra! I felt this way with Kelsey - I did ok sending her to kindergarten, but I was all choked up on her last day?!? Not sure why... maybe like you said - they learn so much and grow up so much that first year! Anyway, it's good to read your posts again - we miss you guys!